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Friday, October 31, 2008
Quiz !; 8:22:00 PM
So boring today , so just post a quiz can le :D

Name: Alan
Birthday: 22nd April 1993
Birthplace: Singapore
Eye Colour: Mahogany
Hair Colour: Somewhat brown
Height: 172cm.
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right is my dominant hand but I write with my left.
Your Heritage: Chinese
My Worst Habit: Hmm , eating too much ?
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Shoe Size: 9 and a half
Pant Size: I dont know .
Parents Still Together?: Long separated.
Shoes You Wore Today?: Converse school shoes.
Your Weakness: Dependence on people I trust.
Your Fears: Blood .
Your Perfect Pizza: BBQ pizza.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be good nerd :D
Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: "Haha."
Your Best Physical Feature: Hair :DDDDD
Your Bedtime: 9pm - 10pm
Your Most Missed Memory: During the March to May period this year.
Colours?: hot pink, lime green.
Food? : Anything edible , I'll munch.
Animal? : Kittens
Ice Cream? : Seldom eat.
Candy? : Chocolate counted ?
Store? : Any decent sport shop.
Salad Dressing? : Eeeeew , salad is a no-no for me.
Actor? : Bryan Wong.
Songs? : Many many many many.
Letter? : "A"
Number? : 12 and 9
Gum? : Mint.
Holiday? : Christmas :)
Season? : Singapore dont have much choices.
ToothPaste Flavour?: Got what flavour ?
Radio Station? : 987fm
Perfume? : Adidas deo.
Scent Besides Perfume?: Shampoo smell.
Body Part On The Opposite Sex? : Eyes and her smile.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? : Policeman and then missionary.
How Do You Want To Die? : Any way , as long as I get to Heaven.
Turn ons: Hmm , nice girls ? >.<
Turn offs: Gay , flirts ?
Which Of Your Friend Acts Most Like You? : Hmm , dont know la.
Who’s The Loudest?: Hmm , I think its esther.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? : Chua yikiat.
Who Have You Known The Longest? : Hmm , I dont know eh. Yogesh and Rooban maybe ?
Who’s The Shyist? : Hmm , I am not very close to shy people because they are shy.
When Have You Cried The Most? : This year.
What is The Best Feeling In The World? : Scoring a ball and the crowds going wild for me.
Worst Feeling? : When being judged , wrongly.
Where do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? : Singapore , then maybe Cambodia.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Will It Be? : Make me richer instead of handsome. Oops.
How Long Do You Think You’ll live? : As long as I finish my work on earth , I shall go.
Let’s walk on the: streets of gold in Heaven.
Let’s look at the: angels walking around.
What a nice: place Heaven is.
Where did all the: basketballers go ?
Why can’t we: be together ?
Silly, little: girl
Isn’t it weird that: alan is always hungry ?
Never Under Any Circumstance: will i give up my love for God.
I wish: I was a better player.
Everyone has their: weaknesses.
I am: tired now.
Been In love? : yes.
Been to Juvie? : ??
Mooned Someone? : No.
Been Rejected? : But of course.
Ran Away from home? : No
Picture your crush naked? : Do I look so perverted ?!
Skipped School? : Once. During maths SA1.
Thought about Suicide?: Never.
Slept Outside? : Sleepover at Rooban's
Laughed so hard you cried: Yes, with Yikiat everyday.
Cried in school? : Yes
Thrown up in school? : No.
Wanted to be a model? : Not yet.
Cheated on someone? : Yes.
Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today?: Hmm , yeah . Real dumb.
Seen a dead body?: I dont want to, but someday I will.
Been Bitched Out? : Don't think so.
Drank Alcohol? : Jolliy Shandy, with 0.04% alcohol.
Smoked: Never will.
Been on drugs?: No.
Eaten Sushi?: I love sushi.
Been on Stage? : Yes.
Gone Skinny Dipping? : No
Shoplifted? : Yeah , when I was young , I stole a sweet from the mama-shop.
Been Drunk? : No
Been called a Tease? : Don't think so barhh, those serious kinds.
Been beaten up? : No.
Swear? : Yes
Sing Well? : Don't think so.
Shower Daily? : Who don't ? Eeeew.
Want to go to College? : But of course.
Want to get married? : Yes
Believe in yourself? : I believe in Lord Jesus Christ.
Get motion sickness? : Hmm , nope.
Think You’re Attractive? : Charm is my weapon :DDDDD =P
Get along with your parents? : Yeah , with my mum.
Like thunderstorms? : No.
Play an instrument? : Learning drums.
Own an iPod? : No
Pray: Everyday.
Go to Church? : Yeah.
Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? : Somehow , with my eeyore.
Keep a Diary/ Journal? : You're reading mine now.
Dance in the Rain? : I kinda like running in the rain , heavy ones.
Sing in the shower? : Sometimes =P
Pepsi or Coke? : Coke.
McDonald’s or BK? : KFC better.
Single or Group Dates? : Anything larhh.
Chocolate or Vanilla? : Chocolate.
Strawberries or Blueberries? : Strawberries.
Meat or Veggie? : Balanced diet of both.
TV or Movie? : Movies.
Guitar or Drums? : Drums.
Adidas or Nike? : Adidas!
Chinese or Mexican? : Chinese.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? : Corn flakes.
Cake or Pie? : Cake.
MTV or VH1? : MTV
Blind or Deaf? : Neither.
Boxers or Briefs? : Briefs got more sense of security.
Do the splits: No ?! Siao , guys do split, pain bodoh !
Write with both hands: Right hand write uglier.
Whistle: Yes.
Blow a bubble: Yes.
Roll your tounge in a circle : Yes.
Cross your eyes : Yes.
Walk with your toes curled : Never tried .
Touch your tongue to touch your nose: No.
Dance: I do , last time.
Eat whatever you want and not worry: YES !
You touched: Errrr , I don't know.
You Talked to on the phone: Hmm , Dad.
You Instant Messaged: Huiwen and yikiat.
You Hugged: During primary school graduation night , that was more memorable.
You yelled at: Hmm , I so nice , I don't yell at people de larhhh. ^^
You played a sport with: Last night. Basketball.
Time you laughed: Just now.
Time you cried: Long ago , I promised someone not to cry anymore.
Movie you watched: Babylon AD.
Flavour of Gum you chewed: Any mint.
Joke you told : Last saturday.
Song you sung: Boulevard of broken dreams.
Life on other planets: Don't think so.
Magic: I do magic . I am a magician .
Love at first sight: Maybe ?
God: Yes , "THE GREAT I AM."
Satan: Yes.
Ghosts: Ghosts are imprints of the departed soul left on earth. Quoted from Severus Snape.
Santa: You mean Saint Nicholas ?
Evolution: NO, NO.
Fav eye colour: Mahogany
Fav hair colour: Brown
Short or long hair : Long.
Height: Shorter than me , 15xcm or 16xcm should be alright.
Weight: Proportional to her height.
Best clothing style: Have some sense of style , at least.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Binomial Theorem.; 8:49:00 PM
Cannot really get this in with only one hour plus. I shall work hard and make this at the back of my head no matter what , by hook or by crook . Be it binomial theorem or differentiation or calculus , I shall make you mine :D

Alan shall be a good boy from now on , listening hard to what all the teachers is teaching and score good results , for the glory of God and for my mum to be happy :)))))))
I am starting that , doing all the homework and asking questions if I don't get the topic no matter the subject. LOL.
I really dont know what to blog now because nothing much happen during classes these days.
Hmm , yeah >.<
Forget it , tomorrow post again :DDD

Can you give me a chance to do what I never did 5 months ago again ?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hair.; 11:14:00 PM
Had my hair cut. Short and nice.

Here's some "before and after" effects :D


- Disgusting bowlcut -


Lovely hairstylist mum who help me cut this hairstyle !!! Pretty right ? :D

God , Use Me.; 8:36:00 PM
Hmm , read the book "A Gentle Thunder" three quarters through already.
Great book , I'll recommend.
Ohh yarhh , if anyone wants me to write a report about "A Gentle Thunder", a christian book that boosted my faith in leaps and bounds , please kindly request at the tagboard, thank you.
I'll gladly write it here :D

Hmm , tomorrow's prayer meeting , I'm going. I love prayer meetings.

Anyway , Jacelyn Lim Seh Lok is officially renamed BETTY Lim Seh Lok because of her looks^ ^
Friday, October 24, 2008
Holidays.; 9:19:00 PM
What holidays sia. Got loads of ISPL to finish up , holiday lessons till 11 Nov ( 8am - 1.30pm ) with alot of maths , 'O' levels at 5 Nov , stayovers , chalets , church functions etc etc. What's worst , I got to find job to have some money to spend during the holidays. Not enough time larhh , the holidays will definitely end before I even know it.

Baaaaa , nevermind that. Cheer up with a joke.

Three men , Albert , Bobby and Charlie were caught by a tribe of cannibals , while venturing the jungle. Three of them were hung on a stick each , expecting the cannibals to cook and eat them. After 15 minutes, the tribe leader came to them. " Why don't we all play a game ? You win you go , you lose you die. "
The man hung in the middle exclaimed " Yes , Yes ! We'll play anything as long we don't die ! "
And then tribe leader merely whispered to them to collect ten fruits of the same kind that the trio can find in the jungle , and bring them back after an hour. If they don't return , the tribe hunt them down.
Albert went and came back first with apples. The tribe leader dealt with him first.
The tribe leader told Albert to stick all ten fruits into his buttocks and not to laugh. If he is still alive after the treatment , he will be free to leave the jungle. If he laughs , he will be killed.
Albert tried and due to pain , died on the 6th apple.
Then Bobby came back with cherries. He was smiling to himself at how lucky he is to pick such a small fruit. He stick cherries up his buttocks one by one very successfully. At the 9th one , however, he laughed and died.

In Heaven , Albert saw Bobby. Albert couldn't understand why Bobby would also die , given that he picked such small fruits. He asked " Why did you die ? "
Bobby replied " I laughed. "
Albert was feeling strange so he asked " What's so funny that you laughed ? "
And Bobby finally replied " I saw Charlie bringing durians back. "

Haha , cheer up to those who have extra lessons like me :D
Hang on !
Anyway , super excited because of the movie at Regina's place tomorrow.
And the new magic tricks me and Yikiat thought of . Mwahahahahaha.
Freak everybody out ^ ^

You are reading something written by Alan , the magician from 4E4 officially .
- coughs -
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Man United Is Just Too Good.; 8:46:00 PM
This is a blogpost on the recent match on 22 Oct '08 , Manchester United against Celtic.
Hmm , this report was back on popular request since the last report when Man united won the Champion's league and EPL. Okay , not popular requests , but by some requests :D
Anyway , here goes.

Three to nil, Manchester United to Celtic. Sounds like another classy performance from the Red Devils , yet again. The scorers were Berbatov's first at 30th , Berbatov's second at 51st , and a devastating third from the classy yet powerful legend Wayne Rooney at the 76th.
Wait a moment , someone's name is missing in the scoring list. Where is Cristiano Ronaldo, the man who had single-handedly raised the Red Devils from the bottom rocks to the high heavens last season, the very same man who scored countless goals for his team , added two silverwares into the Old Trafford's cupboard? Cristiano Ronaldo was on high hopes starting of this season by many fans , seems like he cannot stay up there , continue to unlock the door to a new dynasty of English soccer. What a disappointment. Could it be the after-effects of the off-season transfer market conflict?

Nevertheless , Dimitar Berbatov is a player of depth and potential. He is borned with a deft touch , acute vision and he shaped the Devils' front line entirely, and sharpen and unleashed the rare talents of Wayne Rooney and Ronaldo. Berbatov's exquisitive touches is also described as the final piece in the jigsaw , he fits in everything and even , sets apart men from the boys.
Both his goals had a shadow of a doubt of being offside, the first being rather clear , the number 9 flicked the ball past goalkeeper Boruc , right past the offside line. The second was a freekick from Cristiano Ronaldo , which unfortunately rebounds off the goalkeeper's body , Berbatov found himself at the right place , at the right time. He ran past the last defender in place and reacted at lightning speed to tap the ball into the back of the net. Both goals would have been rightfully called off for being offside , but it seems like Lady Luck was in love with the Devils , both assistant referees didnt holler offside on the two occasions. But , who cares ? Dimitar's foresight and superb passing , combined with his lightning reaction , he is not somebody anyone can mess around with. Against Celtic, Berbatov was poetry in motion , smooth as velvet , and classy as a vintage Bordeaux.

Wayne Rooney. One could say he is already a main pillar figure in Manchester United and he could rightfully claim the title. His powerful yet elegant style had turned him into a world-class player. Rooney blew Celtic away in set-pieces and physically , Celtic was unable to cope in balance. And Wayne shown them the gulf in class between the two sides. He went on for a spectacular scissors kick at the twenty-metre mark right into the net. How many strikers on this earth could do that in such a charismatic manner ?

In a short period of time , Rooney and Dimitar will be unstoppable. Rooney shall be like a Bugatti , and Berba the driver. Lets sit and watch out for more brilliant performances from the duo , as they build an unbreakable chemistry bond between each other , like how Beckham and Van Nistelrooy did.

Meanwhile , let Carlos Teves take a backseat on this , he may be even more motivated as he see the ex-Tottenham talent stealing all the limelight.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Peach tea.; 6:41:00 PM
I love peach tea. Okay, abit random-.-
Today, Mrs Phua said something that struck me hard.
"No one is ever going to care about your past achievements, people only care about how you are going to perform." Wow.
Alan is going to study everyday for at least 2 hours le , want to get below 18 for L1R5 next year.
Then get top 10 in class and Esther will treat me sakae sushi le :D
So now, I have to pull up my socks and climb 15 positions in class to get top 10. Jiayou! ^^
YOU , the one reading this now , must JIAYOU also okay ? :)

Ohh yahh , suddenly remember. JOLYN, if you ever stumble into this post, LISTEN UP !
REMEMBER OUR DEAL BEFORE SA2 ? YOU OWE ME A MEAL AT BUDDY'S ! Mwahahahahahahaha ! -evil laughs for 2 more minutes-

Sian , today not outside training.
I wanted training >.<
Froget it , I'm off to Amaths and Physics :D
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thank you Lord.; 9:45:00 PM
Talked to my mum.
She cried.
She had lots of troubles , it was just me and my brother that trigger her anger.
I shall understand her from today onwards and be a good boy.

Rules of being a good boy:
1) Go home as soon as possible.
2) Study harder and revise everyday.
3) Dont let her down in my studies.
4) Dont burden her anymore by creating troubles for her.

I love my mum. I really do.
I don't know what I'll be if I lose her.
Alan , wake up your bloody ideas and work hard for your mum to see.
Don't let her worry about you, understand ?

Lord, I really thank you for this time that you answered my prayers.
I love you too, Lord, I love you the most :D
Lord, you never let go. ^^
I love my mum.; 9:16:00 PM
LOL , new blogskin le, so everyday must make efforts to blog. :D

Sigh, quarrelled with my mum yesterday. Because I was late to reach her salon due to the rain. Then she screamed at me "WHY CANT YOU REACH EARLIER???"
And she went emo for the whole day le , ignoring me and my brother :(
Yesterday, me, my mum and my brother don't even have dinner and went to sleep at 8pm.
Sleep with an empty stomach, how's that ?
Sigh , she's still angry right now, not talking to anyone.
The only sounds in the room is the typing of the computer , the TV , and occasional footsteps.

Lord, I really want a second chance. I promise not to anger my mum anymore.
Please soften her heart and give me the courage to speak, Lord. Please.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A blogpost from Alan since God-knows-when.; 11:48:00 AM
Sorry for the MIA-ing. Here's something to start with.

Pain is temporal. As you run another step or shoot another ball, pain could get
the better of you. However , this pain doesn't last. It may last a minute , an hour,
a day , a month , or even a year , someday something shall replace this pain. By
then , you will be stronger , faster , quicker. But if you quit, it shall last forever.

This struck me alot , ever since I had formed the basketball team 瞬翱, I have to face alot of stress ( not as bad as school ) , as a captain, regarding attendance and attitude of my teammates.
And the takan training , imagine yourself doing frogjumps for almost 1 hour for the each training. Will die lorhh , but everytime I see that paragraph above , I think the training is worth it. :D
I hope my teammates will see this.
Lets do it, make our team appear on 'jumpshot' as the best team in S'pore !
Hang on there and aim for the 'campus MVP' page!
Pain is temporal , but glory is forever :D